Time & Location
Mar 31, 2022, 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. MDT
Gao Badminton, 4839 47 St SE, Calgary, AB T2B 3S5, Canada
About the Event
Dates: February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 (Thursdays, 1:30pm - 2:30pm)
Ages: 6 and up
Registration Deadline is January 31, 2022.
• Badminton lessons through skills and games
• NON-MARKING soled shoes
• You may bring your own racquet, or rent a racquet for an additional ($13.50 for entire program).
• Roots families only
• Non-participating siblings may not attend
• Max 48 students
Roots Families: To use your family funding for your registered Roots students, please use the code GymFunding at checkout.
Covid Regulations
The facility is implementing the Restriction Exemption Program - requiring those over 18 to show proof of vaccination, or negative test result.
For those over the age of 12, the following documents are required to gain entry:
1. A valid Personal ID
2. One of these documents:
- Proof of Vaccination (double doses required after October 25)
- Documentation of a medical exemption
- Proof of a privately paid negative PCR or rapid test within 72 hours of service (tests from AHS or Alberta Precision Laboratories not allowed).
**The Restriction Exemption Program does not apply to children under 12.
Parents and spectators who wish to stay inside the facility must check in and provide the required documentation to reception upon arrival at each visit.
Masks are required for everyone when not engaged in physical activities.
By registering for the Roots Gym program, I understand that TFH society and its branches Roots Home Education/The Father’s House Christian School, at all organizational levels, will not be held responsible for accidents, injury, loss or damage to an individual or any individual’s property. I agree the applicant/s are in good health and able to participate in the physical activity of this program. In the event the applicant is injured, I give permission for a staff member or parent volunteer to seek medical attention.
Jennifer Scholten, 403-680-5369, jenscholten@gmail.com
CA$84.00Sale endedRacquet Rental
CA$13.50Sale ended