In Alberta, kindergarten registration is optional. However, should you choose to register for kindergarten, students are to be at least 4 years and 8 months by August 31st and less than 6 years as of September 1st of the school year, meaning that the student must turn 5 years old by December 31, 2023
Roots has two options for registration, funded or non-funded.
1) Funded Registration Requirements: Registration with the Roots CHEF society & Alberta Education for $450.50 funding reimbursement
In this order:
1. Complete the Roots CHEF society application
2. Payment of family registration fee of $50
3. Register student
4. Complete Program Plan
5. Two facilitator visits during the school year
2) Non-Funded Registration Requirements: Registration with Roots CHEF society only
In this order:
1. Complete the Roots CHEF society application
2. Payment of family registration fee of $50
Contact Tammy Eacott at for more information
Note: Non-funded kindergarten students can participate in all of our age appropriate programming.